This research examines the intensity, magnitude and direction of trade bilaterally between Pakistan and Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan (the CARs) in1995-2017. The analysis uses indices of export-import intensity and trade complementarity. The results of study show that Pakistan is a valuable trading partner to the region and on average experience greater export intensity rather than import intensity, depicting the fact that Pakistan has enjoyed intensity in overall trade and was relatively more specialized rather than CARs during the period of this analysis. Pakistan mainly exported cereals, oil and pharmaceutical products while imported cotton, iron and steel etc. The greater value of complementarity index indicates that Pakistan has exported most of these products to the countries which have high demand. The findings of intense trade relation between Pakistan and CARs suggest that Pakistan has an opportunity to exploit its resources, diversify exports and increase its trade relations with the region by signing free trade agreements.
Key words: Bilateral Trade, Trade Intensity, Trade Complementarity, Pakistan, CARs.