

WHEREAS there is an urgent need to strengthen the evolution of scientific knowledge in Development and Applied Economics in the socio-economic context of Pakistan;

Whereas the Applied Economics Research Centre, in accordance with the principles laid out in its new constitution promulgated in December 2016, is expected to play a pivotal role in disseminating information and extending advice to the Government and other related agencies based on its original research in applied economics;

AND WHEREAS it is realized that mere publication of the results of AERC’s research in its various publications is not enough for making the desired impact on policy-making;

NOW, THEREFORE, it is deemed necessary, as a permanent measure, to establish a forum and provide a platform to enable the professional economist and the policy-makers to exchange ideas on the pressing economic problems facing Pakistan on a continuing basis, and to draw potential benefits from a dialogue between the Institute, government and semi- government agencies as well as private research organizations. In order to achieve this purpose, the Board of Governors of the Applied Economics Research Centre, University of Karachi taking into account the recommendation of the Council of Senior faculty of the Applied Economics Research Centre, University of Karachi, having met at Karachi, hereby decide that a PAKISTAN SOCIETY OF APPLIED ECONOMISTS be organized within the framework of the 1996 Statutes of the Centre under the Constitution set forth below.



Name of the society

The name of the Society shall be the Pakistan Society of Applied Economists.


Registered Offices

The registered office or the Society shall be located at the Applied Economics Research Centre, University of Karachi. The Society may have local chapter s located at suitable places inside Pakistan.



The Following words where ever they occur in this constitution would carry the following meanings and Import:

3.1       The “Society “means the Pakistan Society of Applied Economists.
3.2       The “Centre” means the Applied Economics Research Centre.
3.3       The “Governing Council” means the Governing Council of the Society.
3.4       The “Executive Council” means the Executive Council of the Society.
3.5       The “Patron in-Chief,” President”, “Vice President “,”Secretary” and ‘Treasurer” means such officers of the Society.
3.6       “Ex-officio member” /”Member” / “Honorary Member” means Ex-officio Member / Member / Honorary Member of the Society



Aims and Objectives

4.1       The principal object of the Society is to strengthen the process of evolution of scientific    knowledge in Applied Economics by providing a Forum for exchange of ideas between the Centre and development economists outside the Centre.

4.2       To achieve this objective the Society shall:

(a)        Facilitate research in Applied Economics
(b)        Organize seminars, conferences and symposia
(c)         Collaborate with other national and international organizations, particularly Pakistan Economic Association and Intel-national Economic Association, pursuing similar goals
(d)        Confer awards on scholar s for outstanding contribution in the general area of Applied Economics, and
(e)         Do all such things as are conducive to the attainment of the above-mentioned objectives.


Forms of Membership

5.1       During their tenure of office the following shall be the Ex-officio. Members of the society

(a)        all members of the Board of Governors of the Centre
(b)        all members of the Council of Senior Faculty of the Centre
(c)        all members of the International Advisory Board of the Centre
(d)       all member s of the International Board of Editors of The Pakistan Journal of  Applied Economics, biannual journal of the AERC, University of Karachi
(e)        all professional staff in the research and training wings of the Centre.

5.2          Honorary Life Member ship: The Executive Council may, of its own accord, confer Honorary Life Membership of the Society on persons who have made outstanding contribution to the growth of knowledge in areas specified in Article 5.3(b) below.
5.3       Membership: There shall be a select category of Member ship of the Society. The   minimum criteria of eligibility for election to Member ship are:
(a)        Former Ex-officio/Membership of the society;
(b)        Master’s degree in Economics, Business Administration, Public Administration,     Agricultural Economics, Statistics, Econometrics Economic, Demography and/or an  evidence of pr oven scholar ship in these areas of specialization.
(c)        Institutional Membership: The institutional Member ship shall be against an annual fee of Rs 2000.00. The member institutions shall nominate two qualified members of its      staff to participate in the meetings held by the PSAE.
(d)         Life Membership: The Life Member-ship to individuals on payment of Rs 10000.00 by    Pakistanis and US$ 2000.00 by overseas shall be allowed.
5.4         Election of Member: All persons satisfying the minimum eligibility criteria as specified     in Article

5.3          may apply for Member-ship on the prescribed form after having their nominations duly proposed and seconded by any two Ex-officio Members/ Members of the Society, provided that no shall be required of a member of the Society who may enroll as Member on payment of the prescribed fee at the invitation of the Council. Election to Membership shall be decided by a simple majority of the Executive Council at a constitutionally valid meeting.
5.5       A Member shall cease to be a Member of the Society if:
(a)        he / she becomes an Ex-officio Member of the Society as per Article 5.1;


(b)       he / she resigns of his own accord;


(c)        his activities are adjudged by a two-third majority of the Executive Council to be  prejudicial to the interests of the Society at a constitutionally valid meeting of the Executive Council after giving him an opportunity of explanation;

(d)       in the opinion of the Executive Council, he ceases to be a productive member of the society,

5.6       Termination of Ex-officio Membership: A member shall cease to be an Ex-officio Member of the Society on termination of his association with the Institute in such capacity as entitled him to the Ex- officio Membership of the Society.
5.7         Resignation of Member: Any Member may at any time file his resignation in writing with the secretary of the Society.


6.1       Governing Council: There shall be a Governing Council of the Society to oversee the operations of the Society and to keep a watch on its progress.
6.2       Members of the Governing Council: The Governing Council shall consist of eleven members as follows:

  • Chairman, Board of Governors Patron-in-chief of the Society and of the Institute Chairman of the Governing Council

(b)        All ten remaining members of the Board of Members of the Governing Council Governors of the Institute

6.3       A member of the Governing Council shall cease to be a Member of the Governing Council on the termination of his association with the Centre which entitled him to be a Member of the Board of Governors of the Centre.

6.4       Executive Council: There shall be an Executive Council of the Society and shall consist of nineteen members as follows:

  • Director, Applied Economics Research Centre President of the society and Economics Chairman of the executive Council
  • Five to Seven members of the Council Vice-President of the Society of  Senior Faculty of the Applied Economics Research Centre
  • All remaining Members of the Council of Members Senior Faculty of the Centre.
  • Two Members to be elected by the Council of Members Senior Faculty of the Centre
  • Secretary of the Society to be appointed by Members the President

6.5       A member of the Executive Council shall cease to be a Member of the Executive   Council on termination of his association with the Centre that entitled him to have Membership of the Council of Senior Faculty or the Ex-officio Membership/Membership of the Society.

6.6      The term of office of the Members on the Executive Council shall be two years; No Member shall serve on the Council for two consecutive terms.



7.1       ln addition to the Patron-in-Chief and the President, the Society will have following office-bearers:

Vice President: There shall be five to seven Vice-Presidents, who shall:
(a)        Hold office for one year;
(b)        be ineligible for election to the second consecutive term except when there is only one Senior Faculty from any of the local chapters of the Society.
(c)        Be a member of the Council of Senior Faculty.
(d)       Be elected by a simple majority of the Council of Senior Faculty at a         constitutionally valid meeting, and
(e)        Cease to be a Vice-President on the termination of his association with the Centre  in such capacity as entitled him to the ex-officio member ship of the Society.

7.2         Secretary: there shall be a Secretary of the Society, who shall:
(a)        be appointed by the President from amongst the senior research staff of the Centre for l term of two years;

(b)        be ineligible For the second consecutive term; and

(c)        cease to be the Secretary on the termination of his association with the Centre that entitled him/her-to the Ex-officio Membership of the Society.
7.3         Treasurer: There shall be a Treasurer of the Society, who shall:
(a)        be appointed by and subject to the control of President in all matters listed below  under Article 7.3 (b) to 7.3 (f);
(b)        receive all money for, on behalf of and in the name of the Society and to give receipts and other effectual discharges in receipt of such money and deposit the same in the bank;

(c)        make payments through imprest money or crossed cheque against vouchers, bills,   etc., countersigned and attested by the Treasurer and duly passed by the President.

(d)       be responsible for the safe custody of bank cheque books and withdrawals from the bank as and when needed;

(e)        be responsible for the safe custody and proper statement of the imprest money;and

(f)        complete accordingly all the account registers and present the same to the President for countersignature.


Functions and Powers of the Governing Council

8.1       The Governing Council shall:

(a)        exercise general super vision and control on the activities of the Society;

(b)        make the Society a professionally effective institution and build its image nationally and internationally;

(c)        consider and approve the annual report and the annual programme of the society;

(d)       approve the recommendations of the Executive Council in respect of conferring    awards on scholars for outstanding contributions to Applied Economics, in the areas defined in Aricle 5.3 (b) of the Constitution; and

  • exercise all such powers and perform all such acts as may be necessary for promoting the interests of the Society.


Functions and Powers of the Executive Council.

9.1 The Executive Council shall be the executive body of the Society. It shall

  • recommend policies and plans regarding the Society to the Governing Council
  • cause expenditure and exercise overall financial control
  • consider annual report for-submission to the Governing Council
  • direct and administer the affairs of the society;
  • frame, alter or repeal Constitution and Bye-laws of the Society for its proper Functioning;
  • elect, appoint or nominate office bearers of the Society and its various chapters and committees;
  • elect Members;
  • consider and decide on any application regarding disciplinary cases in respect
    of Member’s; and
  • recommend outstanding scholars for an appropriate award for their contributions in the field of Development Economics.


Functions and Powers of the Office-Searers

10.1       The President shall be the operating Chief of the Society. He / She shall exercise all such powers as may be delegated to him by the Governing Council or the Executive Council to ensure smooth conduct of the business of the Society.

10.2       The President shall appoint the Secretary and Treasurer of the Society.
10.3       The President shall set the date and the venue of the Annual General Meeting of the Society.

10.4       The Vice-Presidents shall perform such functions as may be delegated to them by the President.

10.5       The accounts of the Society shall be maintained by the Treasurer.

10.6       The Secretary shall conduct all routine operations under the direct guidance of the President. He/she will issue notices, prepare and circulate the agenda of the meetings, record the minutes of the rneetings, fix the price of publications of the Society and carry on the correspondence of the Society in accordance with the policy of the President.



11.1     Proceedings of the Annual General Meeting and Occasional Papers, edited jointly by the President and the Secretary of the Society, will be published by the Society.



12.1     The annual fee for the Member s for each calendar year shall be as under:

(a)        For Members inside Pakistan                                     Rs 1000.00
(b)        For Members outside                                                  US$ 100.00

The fee would include subscription to the papers and proceeding issue of the PJAE, which is  published version of the presentations in the PSAE’s Annual General Meetings. It shall be payable in advance each year.



13.1       The Society shall be financed from the following sources:

(a)        Government grants sanctioned annually, on the recommendation of the Board of  Governors of the Centre.

(b)        Sale or royalties of publications of the society.

(c)        Fees paid by the Members of the Society.

(d)       Gifts and endowments made to the Society by different national and international agencies.

(e)        Any other source duly approved by the Governing Council of the Society.



14.1     The Accounts of the Society will be subject to the normal audit procedure.



15.1       The Governing Council shall meet at least once a year. Its meetings will be convened by the President of the Society in consultation with the Patron-in-Chief of the Society.

15.2     The Annual General Meetings of the Society shall be held, under the aegis of the   Centre, at its registered address and, by rotation, at all local chapters of the society.

15.3     The notice for Annual General Meeting shall be mailed by the Secretary to Ex-officio Members, Honorary Life Members and Members at least fourteen days prior to the Annual General Meeting.

15.4     For holding the meeting of the Executive Council, a minimum notice of fourteen days shall be required. The Secretary of the Society shall issue the notice after its approval by the President.

15.5     The Executive Council shall meet at least once in twelve months. The Society may meet more often if the President deems it necessary, or will meet if a written demand is made by one-third of the members of the. Executive Council to call a meeting,

15.6       One-third of the members of the Executive Council shall Form the quorum for its meeting.



16.1     This Constitution or a part thereof may be amended by resolution passed by a two- third   majority of the members constituting the Executive Council at a constitutionally valid meeting and with the consent of the Governing Council.


Dissolution Of The Society

17.1       The Society may be dissolved by a resolution passed by three-fourths of the total number of members constituting the Executive Council only at a full session of the Council. This decision will not be effective unless it is ratified in a full session of the Governing Council by at least three-fourths of its members.