Towards Inclusive Governance and Efficient Institutions for Sustainable Development (TIGEISD)
24 - 26 Oct, 2017
Concept of the International Conference (2017):
Governance and institutions have been among the focal themes of planning for the post-2015 global agenda as a follow up to the expired Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Some assessments of performance on the current MDGs have blamed poor governance when results were disappointing. Another perspective is that “good governance”, especially components such as participation, transparency, inclusiveness, and access to justice, is a part of development itself.
Inclusive Governance is mainly referred as to determine the extent to which governance institutions provide space to overcome the systematic exclusion of disadvantaged groups seeking to participate in decisions affecting them.
It has lately been recognized that lack of inclusive governance is widening the divide between rich and poor across many countries. Millions of people – indigenous people, women, victims of war, regional conflicts and natural calamities, face barriers to have access to governance structures and impede their efforts to achieve their human rights as well as reach to the elevated levels of human development.
The political institutions ought to make room for such groups to ensure their inclusion. It is essential to overcome the deeply embedded social inequities and economic inequalities prevalent in the region. Although national circumstances differ across the Asia-Pacific region, governments face a common challenge to create an enabling governance environment that is not only aware of, and responsive to, the needs and interests of the most disadvantaged and marginalized – but that also is willing and able to provide sound, effective remedies to these groups’ concerns.
Open, effective and accountable institutions can make real differences for citizens, economies and societies. Without effective and inclusive public sector governance and institutions, development finance (broadly defined) may be wasted and the prospects for economic transformation compromised.
Achieving more effective and inclusive public sector governance and institutions implies supporting the capacity of state institutions as well as bolstering their responsiveness to citizen’s needs. Public sector governance is as much about strengthening core state functions (such as public finance and public procurement) as it is about ensuring that all citizens – including women and children, older persons, those with disabilities, and marginalized groups – all enjoy a full range of civil and human rights. Strengthening institutions means taking a holistic approach, and working not only with governments, but also with parliaments, independent institutions (such as Supreme Audit Institutions), the media, civil society, and the private sector.